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RE: [OM] Somebody take this computer away from me....Probably OT. ...a l

Subject: RE: [OM] Somebody take this computer away from me....Probably OT. ...a little too long...probably annoying to some....be warned...delete it if you want...I take no responsibility
From: Scott Gomez <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 15:39:05 -0800
Well, duh. Let's try this again, with content.

Happy to help, Tom. I'll send my mailing address off-list. Just leave
everything in the boxes when it arrives, stick new labels on the boxes, and
send it to me. Hell, I'll even pay the shipping. :-)

Scott Gomez

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Scales [mailto:tscales@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 14:50
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] Somebody take this computer away from me....Probably
OT....a little too long...probably annoying to some....be
warned...delete it if you want...I take no responsibility

I have GOT to stop.  I need help.

My name is Tom and I'm a Zuikoholic.

No Zuikohobbiest for me.  I'm a full-blown Zuikoholic.

I haven't even gotten the big purchase that Chip passed my way yet and I've
done it again.  I was reading the Rec.marketplace.photo.35mm newsgroup last
night and there was this innocuous little post about someone wanting to sell
some OM equipment.  Not even a list of what they had.  OK, I thought, I'll
at least see what he has.

I emailed him and asked for an inventory, which he provided.  I did my usual
spreadsheet numbers.  I have kind of an odd approach for a buyer.  I itemize
everything and put a first column that shows what I think it would bring on
ebay.  Then I put a second column that shows about what I buy/sell for,
generally about 10 0.000000e+00ss or so.  I even add a comments column about my
personal experience with the item.

Then I total it all and tell them honestly that for me to do the deal, as
big as they are, I knock another 100ff for 'risk factor'.

Then I send them the spreadsheet, with both columns.

Sometimes they see the difference in the two columns and decide to go it on
their own.  If so, that's cool, maybe I've helped them understand the

Way too often they say: SOLD.  This guy negotiated a little, but that was
cool.  Still a fair price for us both.

That happened to me again.   This kit has more non-zuiko in it than I
usually buy (Tamron 90/2.5, Toyo 28-80/2.8 -- anyone know anything about
it?, Vivitar S1 35-85/2.8, Vivitar 70-210), but I factored that in -- some
pretty nice third-party stuff.

It also has a few nice pieces, including a Champagne 4T and  Black 4T. And a
2S.  Some Zuikos, including a 24/2.8, 50/1.4 (2), 55/1.2, 100/2.8, 135/3.5,
200/4, 300/4.5, 35-70/4, 75-150/4.

Oh yeah, and a 2XA, Vari, T32, F280, Winder 2 (2), XA with A11

He wrote me back after I agreed on a price and said he was getting it packed
up and he had all the boxes and instructions (!).  He also said he found an
FTL Bellows (that has to be pretty unusual) with a Pen to OM adapter
(amazingly, I now have TWO of these on the way) and also said if he found
other things he didn't need, he'd throw them in.

Oh no, not again. Oh yes, again.  Yeah....

I have got to start putting things on ebay <g>.  My office at home is a
regular candy store, which is fun, but I've got way too much bet on my
success at selling.

My wife is now tolerant of my buying and selling, but I think even she will
freak if she sees everything at once.

Now I have to convince myself that I don't need to keep it all!


Back in his whole waiting for the flames.....

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