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Re: [OM] Fuji NPS - not too shabby

Subject: Re: [OM] Fuji NPS - not too shabby
From: "Walt Wayman" <hiwayman@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 16:35:45 -0500
Left the office a little early today and stopped off to pick up
the prints of the first roll of Fuji NPS I have shot.  I am
impressed.  Fuji touts it as a portrait film, but I?m seriously
considering using it as my all-purpose print film.  I mostly shoot
transparencies, partly because I haven?t found a print film that
suits me, but this one is close.  The contrast is a touch on the
high side, which I like, and the colors, unlike some higher
contrast color films, are not over-saturated.  I like the 160
speed, and it appears to be very sharp.

I have scanned four of the shots from this roll and uploaded them
to Photopoint.  Understand, please, that these are just snapshots;
there are no TOPE candidates here, and I?m not sure how revealing
these low-res scans may be of this film?s capabilities.  But
anyway, they?re here if anybody wants to take a look:


Walt Wayman

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