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Re: [OM] How many bits/pixel does a digital image need?

Subject: Re: [OM] How many bits/pixel does a digital image need?
From: W Shumaker <om4t@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 21:56:16 -0400
Exactly! A good friend of mine says people are obsessed with megapixels
but what he wants is more Z-axis. The only people who are going to
realize 11mp with their cameras are those who consistently use a tripod.
Many images are rendered quite well with lower pixel counts, as
witnessed by John Lind's "Kokomo Opalescent Glass Factory", shot with
high speed B&W film. You can't tell me John needed 11mp of resolution.
What he needed was Z-axis range for the tonality.



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