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[OM] Re: Aurora pic - update

Subject: [OM] Re: Aurora pic - update
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 16:05:28 -0700
Hi folks,

I've been engaged in other things for a few days. What was to be a 3-4 
hour clinic visit for a test for my mother turned into a three day 
oddesey plus some recovery. She is home now with the main problem 
apparently fixed; still weak but seemingly getting stronger.

I managed to keep up with the list, but not reply to anything. If they 
had WiFi in the hospital buildings, I would have had plenty of time to 
stay active... :-)

Anyway, since my name was invoked in the start of this thread, it seems 
a good place to ease back in.

I agree that either more or less detail in the foreground is better. Of 
the two alternative versions offered, the lighter appeals to me more. 
However, the color seems wrong to me. The foreground is being viewed in 
the light from the sky, but the sky is all red-orange-yellow and the 
foreground is grayish green. Certainly at least the bits of long grass 
left along the fence line should have a tint from the sky. So here's my 
contribution <http://moosemystic.net/Gallery/Others/GRemy1.htm>. It has 
a little more contrast in the foreground, so the brightest parts are the 
same luminosity, but the darks go darker.  That way, the texture of the 
plowed ground in front is clearer. A bit too red? I dunno, but I like 
the way the grass and the tops of the furrows pick up the sky color.


Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Ah, the lighter version works for me.  I'd leave the foreground as it is 
> now.  I think I'd still prefer a bit less saturation on the sky but it's 
> your picture.

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