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[OM] Re: New version website up

Subject: [OM] Re: New version website up
From: "Christos Stavrou" <christos.stavrou@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 06:58:31 +0100
Hi James,

some comments for your new site:

I find the home page to be quite impressive and welcoming. Its aesthetics
are great.
Although I may have some issues with the tonality in several pictures (it
feels as the b & w points are over-clipped or the resolution is too low),
much of the initial hidden promise is materialised in the 'Street' section,
where I could enjoy a quite humorous and deeply humanistic approach. Some
photos reflect known masters of photography and their characteristic traits
(see for example the wittiness of 'Eiffel' and the great vewing angle  of
'High jump', which reminded me Elliot Erwitt and Aaron Siskind

Yet, I think that the most interesting section is the one called 'From a
train'. It is the most original and ambitious, as well as really interactive
with a well-thought approach. It does require a further look (which is a
good thing)  and it personally gives me insights and feelings about the real
english/british society going on out there, about real people and their
experiences -no idealised mumbo/jumbo. All that with enough ambiguity, so
that the photographer's agenda and bias does not overwhelm the viewer. This
section moves closer to artistic paths than any other and deserves alot of


On 7/2/06, James Royall <jamesroyall@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've got myself a url and got my site more up to date. jamesroyall.com
> is the address.

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