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[OM] Re: 420 and 25/2.8

Subject: [OM] Re: 420 and 25/2.8
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:24:52 -0400
I thought I was heartily agreeing with you.  I'm just wondering if the 
software solution can rival pretty good (if not the ultimate) hardware.

Chuck Norcutt

Wayne Harridge wrote:
>> I'm sure that's true but it didn't answer my question.  :-)
> What I was getting at was the performance of lens, sensor, in-camera
> processing, post-processing (the "system") as distinct from just the
> performance of the lens in isolation.  As a user, if you achieve the
> performance you want from the "system", why would you care about the
> performance of individual components.
> ...Wayne

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