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Re: [OM] Olympus Living History Farm - Family Portrait

Subject: Re: [OM] Olympus Living History Farm - Family Portrait
From: "Ken Norton" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 08:56:49 -0600
> Ken, do you find the MD-2 helps balance that 35-80?

Yes it does!!!  I was struggling a bit with the 35-80 as it really is a
heavy lens and the camera body shape (even with the little grip-dohicky) was
not conducive to comfortable holding.  By using the MD2, it provides much
needed leverage.

As a carry-round street camera, I still prefer the 35/2.8 on an OM body
without any other attachments, though.  The OM-3Ti, 35-80 and MD2/CP1
combination is comparable in size and weight to the E-3 with battery grip
and 12-60 zoom.


The E-3 getup is substantially misbalanced.  The OM setup (as well as my E-1
setup) feels laterally balanced, the E-3 feels far too weighty on the left
side.  The E-3 wants to twist out of your hand in comparison.

Last night I repacked the camera bags in an attempt to find a new working
configuration.  I prefer a three-tier approach to my camera equipment so as
of midnight here is arrangement till further notice.  I'm sure there will be
changes before the day is through:

Tiny bag (goes to work or anywhere like shopping):
- Minolta A1
- Extra battery
- Charger
- USB Cable
- (Alternatively, instead of the A1, the IS-3, or an OM kit would be used)

LowePro Slingshot 300AW
- E-1 with battery grip and 14-54
- OM-4T with MD2 and 35-80
- Zuiko 24/2.8 with hood
- Tokina AT-X 100-300/4 Zoom
- OM-E adaptor
- Vivitar 285HV
- Polaris Flash/Ambient Meter
- Polarizing Filter
- Miscellaneous items to stuff the gaps.

LowePro Magnum35 Bag
- All the rest of the OM gear

LowePro Bag (forgot the model)
- Flash gear and IS-3

The idea is to be able to grab only one bag (either the tiny one or the
SlingShot) and be functional without having to swap stuff around.  I was
struggling with a film-only bag as i'm constantly using both film and
digital.  The SlingShot is packed to handle the 90% rule.  I can shoot 90%
of everything I need to with the contents of this one bag.

However, when working on-location or out of the car, I can grab the Magnum35
bag and I've got all the primes and additional body handy. So, when I just
want to have a minimum pro kit I grab only one bag, but when I'm cruising
the country roads, everything is there in two bags.

When it comes time for a photo workshop, though, the kit will be completely
different because I will strive for a one-bag solution and will forgo the
bulky weighty items like battery grips and motordrives.

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