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[OM] E3+35-70/3.6

Subject: [OM] E3+35-70/3.6
From: "siddiq@xxxxxxx" <siddiq@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 00:12:53 -0700

One of three or so shots I took this afternoon, E3 + Zuiko 35-70/3.6,  
which was my favourite lens when shooting OMs. Bit harder to focus on  
the E3, compared to the 50/1.4 (possibly my fav lens on the E3), but  
then the latter has more helicoid, it seems like, from closest to  
infinity, and is more "damped" for lack of a better term. Plus  
brighter finder. 70mm (140 equiv in 35mm terms), wide open, B/W mode.

I tossed two shots, was going to toss this too, but kept it, not sure  
why. Gotten quite a few compliments on it already, in person, figured  
see what you all think :)

Have a series of E3+50/1.4 shots as well, will post a link to that  
later. Probably get more E3+35-70/3.6 shots at the UCR chancellor  
inauguration as well.....
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