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Re: [OM] Working hours

Subject: Re: [OM] Working hours
From: Jan Steinman <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 22:05:36 -0700
> From: Ken Norton <xra@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> ... in last month's report, there were almost 141 million people
> employed in the US.

Are you sure they didn't mean "141 million jobs" which were held by 70  
million people?

Reminds me of the elderly woman GW Bush talked to on the campaign  
trail. He asked her if she had a job, and she proudly replied that she  
had THREE jobs, to which Bush replied, "Isn't that wunnerful! Only in  
America could someone have three jobs!"

Yea, jobs are so plentiful that old ladies can get three of them.  
Whoopee. They're all part-time, and none of them have benefits or  

:::: The income gap between the rich and the rest of the US population  
has been growing so fast, that it might eventually threaten the  
stability of democratic capitalism itself. -- Alan Greenspan ::::
:::: Jan Steinman http://www.VeggieVanGogh.com ::::

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