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Re: [OM] (OM) Web-page sizes and download times

Subject: Re: [OM] (OM) Web-page sizes and download times
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 11:32:17 -0500
> Basically dial up is my only real option. When Verizon put DSL in last year
> we
> were and  with a different telephone company so we never got a shot at it
> before all 32 lines were snatched up. I didn't play 22 questions with the
> linemen, even though they camped the the front yard for several days
> working
> in the box.

We now use several types of DSL extension technology which can push DSL out
to about 40,000 feet. But speeds are still a little limited, usually to
about 500kbps. Wireless technology, depending on brand/technology, is
limited to around 500kbps too, and you have line-of-site issues to work

Satellite actually is a pretty good option, but has two limitations:
Rain-fade and Fair-Use-Policy.  The rain-fade is somewhat addressed by
upgrading to a much bigger dish antenna. The standard half-meter sized dish
won't quite cut it when you have a storm cell between you and the
satellite.  The FUP is easily the biggest headache to satellite Internet.
The "affordable" packages all limit you to certain amounts of bandwidth per
day (but have unlimited download times at night--so download those
full-length movies then). For the majority of people, satellite is
fine--unless you want to do VoIP, then the delay will kill you.

For most users, though, satellite is just fine.

For businesses, there are satellite packages available which offer three
distinct advantages:  1. No FUP limitations, 2. Bigger dish/better
transceiver, 3. Non-blocking symmetrical speeds.

These days, at work, I'm dealing with customers getting multiple GIGE
bandwidth. In fact, we just got done with phase-one at our own primary
campus which provides "carrier hotel" capabilities (along with about a
million square feet of fully equipped office space for emergency rental) and
six descreet fiber systems leaving town--two of which are peered directly at
carrier hotels in two NAPs.  Not too shabby for being surrounded by
cornfields, eh?

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