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Re: [OM] (OT) High Noon

Subject: Re: [OM] (OT) High Noon
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 11:29:01 -0400
You must have missed the part about it being a 30x40 image with 
extensive detail in the image.  Possibly medium format but I doubt it.

Chuck Norcutt

Ken Norton wrote:
>>> Why does someone wrestle a heavy tripod and a 4x5 camera
>>> (or maybe even larger) out onto the rocks and not utilize the
>>> capabilities built into the camera?  Furthermore, why did Red Lobster
>>> pay for it?
> Who is to say that it was a 4x5 camera?  These days, it's more likely a
> Digital without any movements.  Tilted structures in a high-end landscape is
> one of my own pet peeves.  You have no clue the number of pictures I've
> tossed/deleted because of that.
> AG
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