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[OM] Dog cropping?

Subject: [OM] Dog cropping?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 13:49:26 -0700
I'm not a dog lover. Not a dog hater, either. I generally get along with 
them, even lived with one for several years. But I don't have that 
apparently magical relationship to them them many folks do.

Thus, I seldom find myself photographing dogs. Still, I can see the shot 
and push the button when it presents itself right in front of me.

So my question are two:

First, which crop do you prefer? 

Second, what sort of dog is this? I've labeled it "Ridgeback" because, 
well, it has a ridge on its back, but am not at all sure that's the 
right name.

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