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Re: [OM] Image Storage on the Road

Subject: Re: [OM] Image Storage on the Road
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 11:49:34 -0700
Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Why is it necessary to have a USB interface in order to recognize a hardware 
> interrupt? In fact, if it doesn't recognize a hardware interrupt you are at 
> risk of problems if you change cards and write to the card since the computer 
> will probably be using the cached directory of the first card inserted.

I was not talking about USB, I specifically talked about the SATA 
headers and further speculated that a specific direct I/O connection to 
the main bus might have a similar problem on a specific computer. I was 
simply speculating about a possible solution to his real world problem.

As to the generic question, of course it isn't necessary, nor desirable, 
that a computer not generate an interrupt and/or that the OS not react 
to it in the most desirable way. Nevertheless, my Intel motherboard and 
Vista do not, in fact, recognize when a HD is connected or disconnected 
to/from the SATA headers on the motherboard. Should they do so? Sure, 
but I'm working with what exists, not theory.

I suspect the Intel hardware designers and/or the MS OS designers 
figured nobody in their right mind would be changing HDs with the 
computer on. So what did it matter if disks were only scanned on 
boot-up? Then eSATA came along, which does exactly that, although 
without opening the case. I've actually tried plugging and unplugging an 
internal drive from the SATA headers as an experiment, and the problem 
is indeed there, not in the eSATA header, cords or external devices.

> That leads to much ugliness which occurred in the early days of PCs with 
> diskettes but has long since been solved.  Are you also required to rescan 
> when cards have been changed?  I don't think so.  If a rescan is 
> required I would consider the hardware and/or software to be defective.

Sure! So are you offering to replace them? Neither am I, for myself nor 
for anyone else, so I simply offered a practical possible solution that 
doesn't cost money.

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