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Re: [OM] Olympus Power Bounce Grip 2

Subject: Re: [OM] Olympus Power Bounce Grip 2
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 13:46:31 -0400
How does any of this relate to the subject of my comment which was that 
flash units tend to be underpowered with respect to guide number?  My 
statement means if you use guide number in your calculation your shot 
will be slightly underexposed.  That's all.  I meant nothing with 
respect to various exposure situations.

Chuck Norcutt

Ken Norton wrote:
>> Probably OK for fill flash since the only danger is not enough fill.
> It depends on your shooting style.  I can think of three styles which I use
> and rotate through depending on the situation:
> - Background One Stop Overexposed.  This separates the subject from the
> background and provides a high-key look to the image and is very good when
> you have a distracting background.
> - Background One Stop Underexposed.  This separates the subject from the
> background and brings the subject out from the background in such a way as
> to provide a 3D look to the image.  Critical when the background is of the
> same colors or brightness levels as the subject.
> - Background Exposed Same as Subject. This usually works when the background
> has sufficient color or texture difference (bokeh?) than the subject. This
> requires that the flash power be exactly as it needs to be for the
> flash-to-subject distance. This is generally what we refer to as "fill
> flash"
> AG
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