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Re: [OM] Digicam for the ages (was "Nathan's PAW 32: beach, wine, cyclin

Subject: Re: [OM] Digicam for the ages (was "Nathan's PAW 32: beach, wine, cyclin
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 08:35:57 -0500
> Ah, yes, now I remember the polarizer tests.  Not enough coffee yet this
> morning.

There's not enough coffee in the world to help my mornings...

Although, the Schnozz's Espresso Machine is alive and well--just waiting for
a bunch of Olympus toting photographers to come and try out a fine
Sumatra/Espresso blend.

It's a good thing we have "anti-shake" in these cameras.

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