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Re: [OM] Olympususa

Subject: Re: [OM] Olympususa
From: "DrT \(George Themelis\)" <drt-3d@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 13:07:06 -0400
> Ebay has some decent negative feedback purging
> capabilities.

It now only shows the feedbacks in the last year.  514 positive feedbacks, 
zero neutral/negative, is a good record, even if it is only for a year.

The other variable is the "revised feedback".  When a buyer leaves 
neutral/negative feedback, you can convince them to revise it.  He has one 
revised feedback, which is fine. I have more.... Some times a buyer leaves 
neutral/negative feedback without first letting me know what the problem is, 
so I can fix it.  In this case, I contact them and ask them to revise the 
feedback after I address the issue.  I cannot force anything... it is up to 
them.  Since I cannot leave anything but positive feedback to the buyer (new 
ebay rule), revising their feedback is only up to their good will.

The bottom line is that there are no hidden negative purging capabilities, 
other than the fact that only the last 12 months are shown.


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