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Re: [OM] OT: Gmail and Apps, was OT; China - a shift in global power?

Subject: Re: [OM] OT: Gmail and Apps, was OT; China - a shift in global power?
From: Chris Barker <ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 20:30:58 +0000
Hmm, I don't use 1. or 2.  But 3. is covered because I retrieve my email to my 
computers, and since it's an IMAP system each computer has the same messages.  
In fact, Gmail has more backed up than I need as it keeps all the messages.

Gmail can simulate sending from a different address, but I suppose the 
different server is the problem with the bouncing of messages.


On 16 Nov 2009, at 18:51, Ken Norton wrote:

> The only issues I have with GMAIL are the following:
> 1. No Request for Read-Receipt
> 2. No Request for Delivery-Receipt
> 3. Cloud Computing with no guarantee the data has been backed up
> My Palm Centro smartphone has the ability to access my GMAIL account
> directly and send/receive mail. I have it set to automatically look for new
> mail every 15 minutes, but can update on demand. However, when sending
> messages to the list, me posts get bounced because the sending server is
> different.
> So,
> When reading mail and wanting to respond to the list, I use the m.gmail
> pages which are formated specifically for smartphones. It is pretty much the
> entire full-function gmail brouser page and when sending mail it does so
> from gmail, not the smartphone.
> Like others, I use GMAIL to collect mail from multiple sources and I've got
> five accounts it retreives and parses mail from.

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