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Re: [OM] Bloviation [was Contrast focusing speed]

Subject: Re: [OM] Bloviation [was Contrast focusing speed]
From: "Wayne Harridge" <wayneharridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 08:34:56 +1100
> I've never seen a 630 but seem to recall it was one of the lesser
> priced
>   EOS bodies... and it still is.  Want a cheap spot meter?  KEH is
> selling them for as low as $19 (BGN) to $43 (EX).
> <http://www.keh.com/Search-Products/1/CE/0/630/Grade/0/0/SE.aspx>

Then add the cost of a lens (if you don't have anything in EF mount) and the
shipping (probably as much as the gear to Oz/NZ).


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