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Re: [OM] Purchase of new camera case successful

Subject: Re: [OM] Purchase of new camera case successful
From: "Sue Pearce" <bs.pearce@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 23:47:55 -0600
> I suspect that your historic street lights were incandescent lamps.  Our
> street lights are both mercury vapor and sodium vapor, and appear to be
> connected directly to the distribution lines, though they may well include
> their own transformers inside the housings.  They are each controlled by
> individual light-sensing switches on top.
Probably, although the current ones are 480 and soem sort of vapor. Our 
electircians told us that the wires behind our houses are 480, and dropped 
to 220 into the home, with two legs of 120 each.

Could be worse, there was a large department store that closed some years 
ago and had a big sale of all the contents. Ceiling fans were hot at the 
time, and thousands of folks bid on them. Little did they know that the fans 
were all DC. Not so much a bargain.

Bill Pearce 

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