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Re: [OM] Incident Light metering

Subject: Re: [OM] Incident Light metering
From: Fernando Gonzalez Gentile <fgonzalezgentile@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 11:01:27 -0300
I never thought that an almost forgotten trial photo of mine would
arise such an interesting thread.

There's a Gossen Lunasix 3 nearby, but I don't know if it's properly
calibrated or way out. Mercury batteries measure Ok.

Why does it stay there over my desk, instead of inside my Lowepro bag?

Because IMHO, metering must be as quick as possible. Lighting
conditions vary too fast.
And regarding my yellow flowers photo, you know: it was so hot that
walking a few meters with the Gossen would have made me think it twice
before ...

But the time for the Gossen may have arrived.
At least I will find out if it's properly calibrated or went way off
during these years ...

Fernando .

2010/5/13 Joel Wilcox <jfwilcox@xxxxxxxxx>:

> , which is why I mentioned
> this method at the beginning of the thread in response to Fernando's
> photo.
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