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Re: [OM] [OT] More fun from Micros*ft

Subject: Re: [OM] [OT] More fun from Micros*ft
From: Paul Braun <cygnus@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 07:46:31 -0500
On 5/15/10 05:41 : , bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Sounds to me as though your computer doesn't have Calibri font installed.
> To check, start a new document, then try to select and use Calibri font.
> If it
> is not installed it won't show in the list of available fonts.
> PS; I never understand why people like Times New Roman so much.
> I always use Arial, which is much nicer looking (IMO).
> Cheers, Brian Swale.
For most body text, a serif'd typeface is much more legible than a 
sans-serif one like Arial.  That's why books and newspaper articles are 
typeset with a serif typeface - the brain uses the serifs as little cues 
to help faster reading and better comprehension.

If you try reading two identical paragraphs side-by-side, one in a serif 
typeface and one in a sans-serif, you'll notice that you have a much 
easier time reading the serif one.
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