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[OM] Fwd: Interesting developments in MFT

Subject: [OM] Fwd: Interesting developments in MFT
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 11:00:24 -0400

Saw this: 


Was not sure it was real but confirmed:


and announced on dprev.

I'll take this on a GH-2 or EP-x with global shutter and articulated screen.  
Well performing even if slow compact zoom with foldable optics to keep the form 
factor compact and nice performing fast primes for other occassions is just the 
I think my G9 would then get very lonely.
Global shutter on APS-c might be problematic for now as it would likely run too 

A potentially smitten by MFT, Mike

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