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Re: [OM] (OM) 30 years'-old gear and techniques still good

Subject: Re: [OM] (OM) 30 years'-old gear and techniques still good
From: "Wayne Harridge" <wayneharridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 21:27:52 +1100
> I had not previously heard of Zeiss Luminar lenses.

They seem to be highly regarded from the comments I've seen on photo.net, as
do the Zuiko macros (20/2, 38/2.8, 80/4 & 135/4.5).

If you're heading into macro territory you should try to get a copy of "The
Manual of Close-Up Photography" by Lester Lefkowitz, it's out of print but
you should be able to get it through Abebooks (or some similar site).


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