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Re: [OM] olympus Digest, Vol 30, Issue 3

Subject: Re: [OM] olympus Digest, Vol 30, Issue 3
From: "Bill Pearce" <billcpearce@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 12:38:01 -0500

Bill, that is simply untrue.  The focus on the G2 is extremely reliable, and
operation is intuitive.  The trick is to use the focus lock button on the
back, which can be operated with the thumb on the right hand while the
forefinger operates the shutter release.  Also remember that it is a single
AF point in the middle, and to keep it in S-AF so that the lens does not
"hunt".  I can use the G2 one-handed and never miss focus.  In fact, my E-P2
operates much the same way (single AF point, always in S-AF).  The Contax
G1, on the other hand, is unreliable as there is no way to reliably lock
focus (I think you can do it with the shutter release, but it's unstable at

There is but a single focus spot in the "middle" but it is hard to define 
what is the middle, as it varies with lens focal length and subject 
distance. There is no confirmation of where it focuses until the time of 
processing. You are free to lock focus, but you must also have telepathic 
properties to know where it is locked.

I love the Contax G series form and function, and the lenses are
outstanding.  What I really love though is how you can get this world class
kit for absurdly low prices now.  Equivalent Leica lenses are 3 times the
price (or more).

I couldn't agree more here.

Billl Pearce

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