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Re: [OM] Re Panasonic buying Olympus suggestion - Panasonic also has mon

Subject: Re: [OM] Re Panasonic buying Olympus suggestion - Panasonic also has money woes
From: "C.H.Ling" <ch_photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 23:58:46 +0800
A major factor is the strong Yen, it was 1 to 120 in 2007 and now 1 to 78. 
Who can sustain such a big raises. It was casued by both US and European 
financial crisis. Their government seem not too concern or not able to help 

The losses in TV section is due to over supply, the LCD panel manufacturing 
just grew to fast.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Norton" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: [OM] Re Panasonic buying Olympus suggestion - Panasonic also 
has money woes

> Panasonic, Sony and others are reporting massive losses this year. I
> believe this is mostly related to several factors:
> 1. Earthquake/Tsunami. Not only did it do direct damage to plants, but the
> interruption to the supply chain was immense. Also, directly related to
> this is all the redirected resources to recovery.
> 2. European financial crisis. This has had a ripple effect throughout the
> world with no end in sight.
> 3. Delayed losses. Corporations will roll losses foreward to account for
> them on the books in down years. Unlike what apparently happened at
> Olympus, these aren't disguised and hidden, but they aren't written off
> until you have a year that is otherwise dismal. If you are going to have a
> loss year, have a BIG loss year. Doesn't matter if you lose $1 or $1
> Billion, the stock prices will get affected about equally. This is a very
> common technique and used by almost all corporations of every size.
> 4. Arab Spring. The uncertainty throughout the Middle East has directly
> affected buying habits within those areas. Not hugely so, but enough that
> when combined with the other things going on, it's a factor.
> 5. Digtial TV mandate in the USA. That forced most people to upgrade their
> televisions the PREVIOUS year.
> AG
> -- 
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