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Re: [OM] Olympus confirms a new 4/3 body

Subject: Re: [OM] Olympus confirms a new 4/3 body
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 13:25:27 -0500
> You'll need to re-state your enticements. I got out my "I agree with
> Moose" shirt the last time this came up.  Your calendar also seems to
> exclude going to the UP at peak color time.

Only one week is a lockout. The area north of Houghton/Hancock goes
full bore at least a week, if not two, earlier. Copper Harbor usually
peaks the third week in September. The Porcupines peak right at the
end of September. If we miss the peak up there, we could drift down
into Wisconsin and get the colors with those small lakes. Shoot, we
could crash Dean's cabin. ;)

As to the "Only Oly" approach, you should know by now that every inch
of available vehicle space will be taken up with camera gear. If it
fits, it goes. I might talk a good show, but you know that I can't
leave anything behind. However, if someone were to actually take me up
on the challenge, I would do it.

Ken Norton
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