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Re: [OM] New photos added

Subject: Re: [OM] New photos added
From: "Brian Swale" <bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 13:45:10 +1300
Chris B wrote
> Chrome definitely has its snags.  It is curiously slow to open a new tab
> (Cmd/Ctl-T) and it won't run some web pages, for some reason.
> IE should be the subject of a worldwide extermination order . . .
> Chris

I gave up on Chrome after I discovered that instead  of doing tasks that i 
considered important it would be giving my computer hard-drive a really 
tough work-out.
I don't need that.
I gave up on MSIE at least 10 years ago. It does have some clever coding 
that enables it to understand very recent web-pages, and some official site 
seem to write pages for the MSIE standard only. So I have it on hand in 
case of dire emergency.
I gave up on the most recent versions of Opera because I seemed to have 
found out that it would delete ALL older versions of Opera that I run. I will 
permit that to happen if I can do so.
So my browser of choice currently is Mozilla Firefox.

The only downsides to it I can see are that the longer I use it the more it 
to second-guess what I want, AND, it seems to have developed the habit of 
giving my HDD a severe workout sometimes.

It has one curious practice.

When I save an image it holds in cache - I assume it is in cache - instead of 
saving it from cache it downloads it again from the parent site, scanning for 
viruses as it does. This can take some extra time.

As far as I know all other browsers save directly from Browser cache,   

Brian Swale
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