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Re: [OM] Hibernating for a bit..

Subject: Re: [OM] Hibernating for a bit..
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:41:07 +1000
We sorted this down here. Compulsory superannuation. Matched by government and 
employer co-contributions. Based on industry specific, not-for-profit funds 
(NOT company pension schemes). Introduced some years ago. Applies to casual and 
part-time workers as well. Most of our late baby boomers at least will be party 
or wholly self-funded retirees. As a former government employee and so early 
into this type of scheme, I now have a decent, tax free pension larger than an 
Age pension. The Age pension is means tested but I still qualify for a small 
proportion of it - useful for the other, related benefits. 
This scheme has created a massive pool of controlled, responsible investment 
over the last twenty years. I suspect that the reason that Australia did not 
experience a financial crisis was not so much to do with selling off minerals 
to the Chinese, but because we had this great big fat cushion on which to 
recline. Governments sometimes get it right. 

Andrew Fildes
Author/Publisher: The SLR Compendium - http://www.blurb.com/books/3732813

On 11/04/2013, at 2:12 AM, Ken Norton wrote:

> I know that we won't be able to address
> retirement benefits in any meaningful manner until the BB generation
> dies off. But by then we'll be COMPLETELY bankrupt.

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