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[OM] Magic Lantern

Subject: [OM] Magic Lantern
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 23:16:55 -0400 (EDT)
ML not long ago got the auto Expose to the right (ETTR) to work on auto 
ISO.  This is with using exposure via the RAW histo!  A RAW Zebra is 
also available so one can see where in the image and what channel(s) is 
clipped. (Now if only  Canyon would make a sensor where one is 
comfortable letting the cam pick the ISO)  It seems to mess with  cam 
more the CHDK though and the boot flag  is tough to remove in the 
nightly builds or the "alpha builds."  People report the boot time is 
slower and wake up slower too.  The stable releases have a utility to 
remove the bootflag and totally uninstall.  My idea would be  load the 
stable release ML on one card (assuming it exists for your cam) and the 
latest version on another (so can use RAW  video RAW histo etc) and 
then be able to restore the cam to usual firmware.  The developer types 
can code themselves out of this problem in a few minutes but
don't like the fussing of mere mortals on the forum.  OM 5D Mk111 has 
NO stable release yet so would be leery. I you want to try RAW video 
then not much choice.  Better have HUGE HD's essentially shooting 30 
raw files per second.

  CHDK is better behaved.  There is a beta 4 version for the OM 5Dc that 
even has  focus peaking (in playback mode of course) and zebras (not 
RAW though) but would be sure one can fire the durn thing.


Careful out there,  Mike

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