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Re: [OM] Pedant pressie

Subject: Re: [OM] Pedant pressie
From: Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:03:58 -0800
> Would suggest that you do. ....
Bad news indeed! On our road trips I usually take my Turkish grinder, 
stove-top espresso maker and beans (or use the pots provided by motels). 
I especially like to set up the stove and camp chairs at a scenic spot 
and enjoy my morning brew. My wife is a tea drinker so no problem for her.


Historical note: In Sept 1845 my wife's starving relatives camped at 
this spot, Wagontire Mtn., and sent out scouts searching for the next 
water. Several members of the wagon-train are buried here. We have been 
retracing their route over the last few years.

A friend just published a new book about this wagon train.

> Ah, what the English call a cafetiere (?) and everyone else, including the 
> French I suspect, a plunger.
Ahhh...  yuppie cowboy coffee.

(Don't need no stupid "piston" en francais)
Mike :)
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