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Re: [OM] Help an ignorant urbanite [was And a couple more - Bales]

Subject: Re: [OM] Help an ignorant urbanite [was And a couple more - Bales]
From: Paul Braun <pbraun42@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2013 19:42:46 -0600
On 12/7/13 18:07 : , Moose wrote:

> I thought I understood this stuff, at least broadly: hay is the whole plant, 
> straw the stalks left after the grain is
> harvested. Alfalfa is always hay?
Yes.  Alfalfa, Timothy, other grasses are hay.  To the best of my 
understanding, "Hay" is a complete thing, while "Straw" is mostly just 
stalks and stems - in other words, filler.
> Hay is livestock feed, straw for lining stalls, protecting spectators, 
> building houses, and so on. A quick web look
> shows this to be largely true in that straw has very limited use as feed.
> So why roll up straw? It sure looks like it would make it much less useful 
> for most of the things I'd think it is useful
> for. Hay, sure, and the idea of holders for it in the field mentioned in this 
> thread does sound good.
Ease of storage in situ in the field, I believe.


Paul Braun
Certified Music Junkie
Valparaiso, IN

"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever." - David St. Hubbins

"Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life" - Harlan Howard

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