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Re: [OM] New state of art digital back for OMZ lenses?

Subject: Re: [OM] New state of art digital back for OMZ lenses?
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2013 19:46:01 -0600
> Let me know when you get it up and running!  Good luck.

Nothing a good CLA can't take care of... DD#2 assisted me, yesterday
in the cleaning process. I haven't torn into the motor section yet,
but the tank section is almost like new. Not so sure about some of the
bottles. I'm going to see if a bleach soak will clean them out. Oh,
regarding the bottles, I was looking at the recovery bottles and
thought that maybe I'd just buy a few replacements and then looked at
the price. I realized that the way to go is to just get several
bottles of Ilford chemistry (DD-X, Rapid Fixer, etc) in the 1L size.
They are a perfect fit. And even with chemistry, they are less
expensive. The input bottles are another story, though, as the ATL2
has those dorky I/O connections and are shaped a little differently,
so I'll try several things to get them cleaned out.

Got to get the plumbing ready for it. Have to T off the hot/cold, but
I'm thinking of going ahead and valving up the hot feed as a blend so
the input temperature isn't so hot.

Ken Norton
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