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[OM] Anybody got a Vivitar 4600 or 5600 TTL flash system?

Subject: [OM] Anybody got a Vivitar 4600 or 5600 TTL flash system?
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 15:31:14 -0500
If you do I have the DSC-3 off-shoe extension cord for them which 
reaches about 3 feet.  The 4600 and 5600 were dedicated TTL flashes. 
The DSC-3 has 15 internal pins so looks like it's designed to handle TTL 
contacts for any camera model.  You separate the flash unit from its 
dedicated TTL module which remains attached to the hot shoe.  You plug 
one end of the DSC-3 into the TTL module and the other end into the base 
of the flash.  It's basically a passive, 15-wires extension cord.

I have no idea where I got it or why I have it.  If you want it as a 
freebie claim it soon.  It may be in the trash tomorrow.

Chuck Norcutt
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