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Re: [OM] FFFF - Never shoot into the sun

Subject: Re: [OM] FFFF - Never shoot into the sun
From: "stephan van den zegel" <stephan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:06:22 +0100
I've got an original brownie... well I have two but one is missing the 
rewind key...    If you want to try


-----Message d'origine----- 
From: Andrew Fildes
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 11:57 PM
To: Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: Re: [OM] FFFF - Never shoot into the sun

Indeed. I'm writing a little book about how to use a Box Camera (whoops, 
another bit of shameless self-promotion?). Shooting into the sun when you 
have one shutter speed, one aperture and a one element meniscus lens, as 
most people did, was a recipe for disaster.
And one other thing that suddenly occurred to me is that with a Box you had 
to make your shot - you actually took people out into the sunshine for a 
photograph. Anything but good midday light was pretty much unusable so 
taking a photograph became an event. I'd forgotten that and I suspect so 
have most of us with all the 'features' that we now have.
Pass me my Brownie!

Andrew Fildes

The SLR Compendium:
revised edition -
The TLR Compendium

On 17/12/2013, at 4:54 AM, Ken Norton wrote:

> It was a rule of thumb frequently taught and passed down through the ages.
> I was well schooled in it. The exception is obviously when the subject is
> the sun or the sun is in the composition. But most forms of photography
> will benefit when the sun is over one shoulder.

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