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Re: [OM] The (US) incandescent light bulb isn't dead | The Verge

Subject: Re: [OM] The (US) incandescent light bulb isn't dead | The Verge
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2014 14:30:22 -0600
> I tried the CFB but in a word they stink. The color is terrible, they
> are slow to come to full brightness, and their lifespan has been grossly
> overstated. If they are turned on & off multiple times in a day their
> lifespan is less than incandescent bulbs. Even when used as a stairwell
> light that stays on all day, I have yet to have one last more than two
> years. Then, being the conscientious person that I am, when they do fail I
> have to store them in the garage until I make my yearly trip to the
> Hazardous Waste Disposal Site (old car oil, old paint, etc.). The LED bulbs
> are a bit better though more expensive.

CFLs dislike heat. We've been deploying them for about 15 years now
and have seen a pattern in the failures. Light fixtures, such as
end-table lamps, which are open and have the base on the bottom
provide very long lifespan for the bulbs. But enclosed fixtures and
those where the base is on the side or top, have lots of heat buildup
and those bulbs will fail sooner. Except for the ones from 10+ years
ago, we see little lifespan difference between ones left on and those
switched on/off a lot. In our experience, it's almost entirely about

We've been experimenting with LED bulbs, but have discovered that over
time, they dim. We saw it first with the nightlights, but we're seeing
it with other lights too. The nightlights are noticeably dimmer after
5000 hours and are completely shot by 10000 hours.

Ken Norton
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