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Re: [OM] Errrrr.... nevermind

Subject: Re: [OM] Errrrr.... nevermind
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:14:52 -0800
On 2/3/2014 7:16 PM, Paul Braun wrote:
> On 2/3/14 17:35 : , Bill Pearce wrote:
>> I've got the first version of the 14, and am quite pleased. I vaguely
>> remember reading something on the net that the V.2  isn't as good.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Paul Braun
>> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 11:36 AM
>> To: Olympus Camera Discussion
>> Subject: [OM] Errrrr.... nevermind
>> I just saw the price difference.  Looks like Panny it is.  I save roughly
>> $450, and I'm really happy with my 20/1.7, except for the occasional
>> banding when you're really trying to push the hell out of it in the dark.
> Swell.  How do I find out if the one I'm ordering is v.1 or v.2?

You don't worry about it. There actually is a second version of the 20/1.7 on 
Panny's site. As far as I can tell, and 
common sense suggests, the only difference is color and a metal mount; 
optically identical. (I went into more detail in 
an earlier post.)

There is no second version of the 14/2.5 on the fourthirds website or on 
Panny's website. Ignore the fanboys who need to 
make up stuff to talk and argue about.

Nobody on these forums seems to understand:

1. Sample variation.

2. Variation with subject, aperture and focal distance.

3. How much it costs to redesign a lens and put that redesign in to production. 
Change the color(s) and one part, the 
mount, that doesn't require any other changes, 'cause Marketing says it's 
needed, sure. Change some elements and all the 
stuff that holds and moves them? Not without a very good reason.

If they had, you can be sure their web site would talk about the improvements - 
in breathless terms.

Not Fooled Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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