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Re: [OM] Snapseed

Subject: Re: [OM] Snapseed
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 10:45:37 -0800
On 2/27/2014 7:50 AM, Tina Manley wrote:
> Alamy has started accepting cell phone photos from iPhones with their new
> Stockimo application.  They want highly manipulated photos using an
> application like Snapseed.  I have downloaded Snapseed onto my iPhone but
> there is no way I can work on photos on that tiny screen.  I imported the
> cell phone photos I've taken so far into my computer and was going to
> download Snapseed and work on them there, but it seems that Google bought
> Snapseed (and all of Nik!!) and has discontinued the desktop version of
> Snapseed.  It's only available for mobile devices.

Not true. They have relocated/repositioned it. You need to use their Chrome 
browser and do the manipulations online. 

Makes perfect sense, as they have made their fortunes on ads.

(You may need to hone your search skills. A search for "Snapseed for PC" found 
this instantly.)

> Is there something similar to Snapseed that will give me highly manipulated
> cell phone photos but on the computer?

OnOne's Perfect Effects <http://www.ononesoftware.com/products/effects8free/>
Topaz ReStyle <http://www.topazlabs.com/restyle>

I am sure there are others, but those are the ones I know about on the top of 
my head.

Manipulative Moose

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