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Re: [OM] At the Museums

Subject: Re: [OM] At the Museums
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 21:02:25 -0700
On 4/7/2014 4:33 PM, usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Enjoyed all the shots.
> GM-1 is a stealth high quality compact package.  Excellent self
> portrait.


> In the same shot  couldn't help notice the Panny 20/1.7
> looks a tad wide for the cam.  Wonder if any
> functional  significance?

Not for me. It does extend slightly beyond the top and bottom edges of the 
body, which means it sits slightly less than 
level on a table, not unstable. I really didn't notice anything odd about using 

It's an excellent lens for this kind of situation, I could get in close for 
small things and back far enough for quite 
large tapestries, while having more speed than with the kit zoom. I did use the 
zoom for some shots in the better lit 
museum, and the 9-18 for a ceiling.

> Color space reported  as "uncalibrated" similiar to Oly shots, but I am sure 
> it is not.

Don't you love standards?

The specification for EXIF 2.21 (JEITA CP3451-1, section 4.6.5-B) says "if a 
color space other than sRGB is used, 
Uncalibrated (=FFFF.H) is set"

Exif 2.21 discriminates between sRGB and AdobeRGB not by means of ColorSpace 
tag, but of InterOperability Index tag."

Panny has the correct values in EXIF:


    When the color space is Adobe RGB, include the Adobe RGB 1998 profile, and 
set the following Exif tags:

         ColorSpace = 65535;
         InteroperabilityIndex = 'R03';
         InteroperabilityVersion = '0100';

EXIFGUI - ColorSpace shows "Uncalibrated", which is technically correct.

EXIFGUI - InteropIFD, InteropIndex, shows " 03 - DCF option file (Adobe RGB)", 
correctly interpreting the value for us.

ACR and Bridge both show the color space as aRGB, so they are correctly relying 
on the Interoperability tags.

Sooooo ... The standard is goofy, and what you see in an app depends on how it 
interprets the EXIF entries. EXIFTool has 
chosen to stick to the standard.

Oly is nice enough to specify color space in their Maker Notes, but Panny 
relies on the EXIF standard.

N. Standard Moose

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