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Re: [OM] Chapman Ranch

Subject: Re: [OM] Chapman Ranch
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 10:32:34 -0500
> Like that would be hard to tell without the branding? LOL

Bulls are bought and sold across multiple farms/ranches. Branding
bulls only makes sense if you plan on keeping them till they drop.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it would be unlikely to have the bulls
roam free in open grazing lands. They're kept "close to home", so to
speak. During breeding season, the herd is kept confined to small
pastures as this will about double the success rate. Actually, the
other issue is that you wouldn't want your prized bulls roaming free
because of theft, injury and nutritional requirements. Besides, having
a dozen bulls roaming free in open grazing lands is asking for a lot
of trouble.

Ken Norton
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