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Re: [OM] The end of onion-ring bokeh? Panasonic beats the curse of asphe

Subject: Re: [OM] The end of onion-ring bokeh? Panasonic beats the curse of aspheric lenses
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 21:48:48 -0700
On 5/7/2014 8:19 PM, Ken Norton wrote:

A couple of years ago, we did a lens test. We took every lens we had
that did 50mm at F4.0. Here are the results. You can see how much
things vary from one to another. You'll also see how one lens in
particular folded the edges of the OOF highlights back in on itself
forming rings. There are other traits of some of the lenses which
aren't as pleasing, but at least this test proves that different lens
formulas result in different types of images when at exactly the same
settings. The camera did not move and we focused on the same point for
every lens.


Nice effort! Unfortunately, it just proves what I've thought for some time, that all 'normal focal length' modern lenses used at those subject, near backgrounds and far background distances suck. At least it gives a rational for 50/1.4 over 50/1.8.

A plug-in that identifies and inverts those highlights would be magic indeed. I've tried a number of possible solutions in PS, with only modest success. Masking and blurring is easy, targeting only the edgy highlights is hard.

I keep thinking I should set up a similar test including some µ4/3 lenses and my CZJ 50/2.8 Tessar. But I prefer just taking pics of nice/interesting stuff. :-)

Shoot First Moose

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