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Re: [OM] Photographing the impossible

Subject: Re: [OM] Photographing the impossible
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 13:17:19 -0800
On 11/9/2014 5:47 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
I appreciate these shots.


When we did our first trip around the country in 2008 we visited the coastal redwoods. It was late in the afternoon and we had no idea how dark it was going to be inside once we left the more open space where we had parked at the side of the road. We just started following a path without knowing where it went or how long it might be. We assumed it was a loop but didn't know that. After a while it began to be quite dark and we had fears of not being able to see well enough to follow the path. Just as it was getting really dark and fears of being truly lost began surfacing we found ourselves near where we had started. Although it was very beautiful and peaceful inside my photos from that place are all truly amateurish. I don't think I've ever converted any from raw as it's not worth the effort... all very blue, sky areas blown and many showing motion blur. Even the one attempt at an HDR image has blown highlights in the darkest image. Ugh!

It's a very difficult subject. One thing one needs, that I too often don't take, or use properly is a tripod. And then self timer, or remote release (which may take the form of smartphone WiFi connected.) I did that here, which saved the bacon. ISO 200 and underexpose to hold highlights.

The height of the trees is impossible to capture without a gargantuan effort. But the open beauty of some such woods, with it's range of light and space, is also awfully hard to get right. This particular grove has little of that; some have a cathedral like open stillness that's amazing. Maybe I should revisit my images from them.

Red Woods Moose

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