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Re: [OM] Please remind me why I'm supposed to get excited about the late

Subject: Re: [OM] Please remind me why I'm supposed to get excited about the latest greatest
From: "Sawyer, Edward" <Ed.Sawyer@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:23:39 +0000
The Mamiya 6 is more state of the art than anything else mentioned here,
incl. om3 | 28 f/2.

It¹s lenses still hold their own against anything (well, except maybe the
Mamiya 7 lenses. ;-)  and results from Mamiya 6/7 film easily trumps any
digital I have seen.  Talking about prints here, optically printed, not
scanned results (which are always inferior, at least at sizes I work with).

I favor the Mamiya 7 over the 6, though the 6 is still great. I like 6x7
better, plus the whole system is newer and more available, and has more
lenses, etc. 


On 4/22/15, 6:16 AM, "olympus-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
<olympus-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>If it works for you, then no reason to update to the newest thing. I?m
>shooting everything these days with a Mamiya 6 and a Canon 5mkII. Both
>?outdated? (especially the Mamiya) but they do what I want. I have the
>complete Mamiya 6 lens system, but would like to get a couple more lenses
>for my Canon. Aside from that, I don?t need or want anything else, though
>I do wish I could use my OM-4T bodies again

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