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Re: [OM] Storm Clouds - Iowa

Subject: Re: [OM] Storm Clouds - Iowa
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 09:58:26 -0500
> Personally, I'd consider moving... Just sayin'.

Pick your poison, I guess. Yesterday's tornado was up a couple hours
north of here. What is in this photograph is just the backside of a
pretty nasty line of storms, though. They were heading south to north,
and were just east of me, so we missed the big action.

The predictions and forcasts turned out to be dead on. Three days
ahead of time, we had it narrowed down to a very specific area of Iowa
where the action was going to be and the Lake City tornado was almost
dead center of the bullseye.

I don't know how much longer it will be before we move. Neither of us
are able to handle the weather systems well and will need to seek out
parts of the country with weather patterns that don't rip us apart so
much. I couldn't sleep for most of last week. We'll be here for
another year, though, but after that, who knows.

Ken Norton
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