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Re: [OM] (OT) RX100vi pics (War

Subject: Re: [OM] (OT) RX100vi pics (War
From: Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2015 08:26:35 -0700
Battery life just hasn't been a problem for me. For those who spend all their 
time using the phone for other things, it might throw battery life over the 
edge, but when I'm taking pics, I'm not using the phone for much else. So often 
out of cell range, anyway.
Yeah, I don't think tracking takes much juice. You are being frugal. Probably having the display on and redrawing the map all the time sucks the battery. Add that to 'normal' use and it becomes a problem.

FYI here is a screenshot of my friends iThingie track (highlighted) and my Garmin (red). The context was our trail mapping project and whether or not it would be useful to have people submit iphone tracks...a resounding NOT.
For most peoples' use however an iphone is just fine.

And one thing about my stand alone unit vs a car gps is that I have available a wealth of open source maps of all kinds. Garmin of course is happy to sell me their $ products and some have attractive features. However openstreet maps work just fine. For UK, talkytoaster. Emily guided us through all the roundabouts in the proper wrong direction in a British accent. No Scottish voice available that I could find.


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