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Re: [OM] (OT) iPhone image

Subject: Re: [OM] (OT) iPhone image
From: "Michael R. Collins" <MRC.OlympusList@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2015 19:00:18 -0500
Here's a Metroliner doing the same blade-throwing trick; not quite as dramatic a picture. Can't remember the actual number of blades, Bearskin fly some 5-blade and some 6-blade craft:



On 15-12-04 9:35 AM, Michael R. Collins wrote:
The iPhone "shutter" can produce an interesting effect with some moving objects; perhaps it's model-dependent. Here's something I didn't anticipate, and have not really thought through what the cause might be:


Straight out of the expensive-camera-with-a-free-phone-attached.

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