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Re: [OM] 85 years old and with 8-litres lung capacity. Wow.

Subject: Re: [OM] 85 years old and with 8-litres lung capacity. Wow.
From: bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2016 20:34:49 +1300

Chris B wrote 

That's a lovely machine, Brian! It's interesting
that it has 2 spare tyres 
(perhaps one for balance) whereas my car has
none (run-flat tyres).

In the days when this machine
was built, many roads were loose gravel (not tar-seal or concrete), many
had sharp flints in the gravel, and tyre technology was not nearly as
advanced as it is today.

Plus, narrow tyres for a heavy machine places
a lot of pressure on the rubber.

Cheers, Brian

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