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Re: [OM] Climate Change

Subject: Re: [OM] Climate Change
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2018 14:07:13 -0800
Oh, you mean about how poorly written the article is?

This is a classic example of an author coming up with some wild
conclusion and then trying to find whatever he can to back up those
conclusions. Even stooping so low as to include Newtok, Alaska in his

Migration patterns have always "followed the food". As long as the
food is there, the consumer of the food will stay. The author
referenced "The Great Migration" but failed to properly identify the
cause. He wrote it to say that they were escaping from the Jim Crow
South, but the reality is that the job opportunities (money=food) were
north. The Jim Crow South was only marginally better in the north.

So, as long as there are job opportunities in Boston, New York, Miami
and the Bay Area, there will be a neutral to positive growth. As has
been proven with New Orleans, as long as a buck is to be made, we'll
do whatever it takes to keep a city there.

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