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Re: [OM] Ramblings on my Panasonic GF1

Subject: Re: [OM] Ramblings on my Panasonic GF1
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 11:40:55 -0700
   On 6/12/2019 2:28 AM, Nathan Wajsman wrote:

   You got me thinking…how about a GX9? It seems to have a number of
   desireable features for me, such as auto ISO in fully manual mode. And
   it has the latest 20 MP sensor. I am tempted.

   How big is it?

   It's quite a bit larger. No problem around my neck, even two of them,
   but it may not fit your handlebar [1]bag.
   CameraSize doesn't have the GF1. It's smaller than the GX850/GF9 and
   larger then the GM5. (The GX85 is the same size as the GX9.)
   I use GX9s at the moment, and have used them extensively. I could go on
   about their good and bad points for pages.
   Gee! X. Nine Moose

   What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?


   1. http://j.mp/31sGQYD
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