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Re: [OM] Viewfinders [starry 14mm]

Subject: Re: [OM] Viewfinders [starry 14mm]
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2021 15:44:44 -0800
Jdubs wrote:
> Thanks for the trip down memory lane!  I would say I'm not super nostalgic
> about film, but there were a lot of interesting moments shooting that way.

Hiking with big tripod and no quick-release. :)

As to the low-level stuff, I now have a really nice tripod. I got this
tiny little thing for Christmas. It's just a hint on the short side,
but is absolutely awesome for getting the camera down near the ground
It's also carbon-fiber, so it's light and perfect for hiking. I might
get a center column extension for it so I can get a few more inches

On an unrelated note, Facebook had popped up a "on this day 7 years
ago..." picture I had posted. I don't get "triggered" very easily, but
for some reason it really unsettled me. I need to be careful about
even thinking of Iowa right now. Weird.

AG Schnozz
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