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Re: [OM] E-WA trip

Subject: Re: [OM] E-WA trip
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2021 15:22:34 -0800
> "do not strike me as high-risk areas in terms of Covid." from someone who 
> caught, it doesn't carry much weight with me.

It's highly likely that I got it very early (end of 2019). But I had
very close and extended contact with a cargo pilot that had flown back
from China, and I didn't pass it on to anybody else. So, I don't think
casual contact with somebody 50 feet away and outdoors is going to be
much of an issue.

We do have restrictions up here in Alaska, but we've done pretty well.

AK Schnozz
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